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Skills+ 3.0

In the EU on average 47% of people with disabilities are employed and only 28% of people with severe disabilities are employed, vs. 67% for non-disabled people (ANED, 2013). Socioeconomic participation must increase and more people should join the labour market, with less money in social aid. Getting the same chances for people with a labour disability, is not very common, this target group is easily pushed aside. It needs more focused and structured support than other groups.

In many countries, organisations need to comply with established quotas and must employ people with a disability. Next to that, the Council of Europe created an Action Plan (2006-2015) to promote the rights and participation of people with disabilities in society. The EU has adopted the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020. But people with disabilities still face many difficulties in finding jobs, due to negative stereotypes, which make the labour market reluctant in employing such people.

In the Skills+ project partners work together for people with a distance to the labour market and society. People with a work disability is such a target group and that is where we stand for.

Project Impact

The focus is on work based learning; This includes workplace experience for the participants as for example the training on hard skills like knowledge on the job as well as soft skills like teamwork, flexibility, stress reliance, creativity etc. in the participating countries. So, the people with a labour disability will no longer be judged on their disability but on their competences. The main purpose is to increase the employability of this target group by a smoother and effective move to work transition. Again, this connects to the broader European mission, that inclusion and diversity are milestones of an advanced and fair society.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under project number: 2023-1-NL01-KA220-ADU-000156772

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Support Material

In this section someone can find essential resources for participants, including an informative flyer detailing how to join our competition and our newsletter for the latest updates and insights. These materials are designed to guide you through the process and keep you informed about all the exciting developments.


  • Enlarge the socioeconomic participation of disabled employees in a structured and sustainable way.
  • Improve lifelong learning possibilities for people with a labour disability and provide certification based on learning outcomes.
  • Improve the image of disabled employees and affirm their role as reliable, important added value, interesting source of labour capacity, and are or can be trained and qualified to join the common labour market.
  • Decrease the reluctance of organizations to employ people with a labour handicap.
  • Improve the basic and vocational skills of disabled employees.
  • Improve the connection between the open labour market and the disabled people.
  • Increasing formal certification for people with a disability (referenced to the EQF and ECVET- compliant).


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Pro Work logo
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Skills+ 3.0

In the EU on average 47% of people with disabilities are employed and only 28% of people with severe disabilities are employed, vs. 67% for non-disabled people (ANED, 2013). Socioeconomic participation must increase and more people should join the labour market, with less money in social aid. Getting the same chances for people with a labour disability, is not very common, this target group is easily pushed aside. It needs more focused and structured support than other groups.

In many countries, organisations need to comply with established quotas and must employ people with a disability. Next to that, the Council of Europe created an Action Plan (2006-2015) to promote the rights and participation of people with disabilities in society. The EU has adopted the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020. But people with disabilities still face many difficulties in finding jobs, due to negative stereotypes, which make the labour market reluctant in employing such people.

In the Skills+ project partners work together for people with a distance to the labour market and society. People with a work disability is such a target group and that is where we stand for.

Project Impact

The focus is on work based learning; This includes workplace experience for the participants as for example the training on hard skills like knowledge on the job as well as soft skills like teamwork, flexibility, stress reliance, creativity etc. in the participating countries. So, the people with a labour disability will no longer be judged on their disability but on their competences. The main purpose is to increase the employability of this target group by a smoother and effective move to work transition. Again, this connects to the broader European mission, that inclusion and diversity are milestones of an advanced and fair society.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under project number: 2023-1-NL01-KA220-ADU-000156772

No items found.

Support Material

In this section someone can find essential resources for participants, including an informative flyer detailing how to join our competition and our newsletter for the latest updates and insights. These materials are designed to guide you through the process and keep you informed about all the exciting developments.


  • Enlarge the socioeconomic participation of disabled employees in a structured and sustainable way.
  • Improve lifelong learning possibilities for people with a labour disability and provide certification based on learning outcomes.
  • Improve the image of disabled employees and affirm their role as reliable, important added value, interesting source of labour capacity, and are or can be trained and qualified to join the common labour market.
  • Decrease the reluctance of organizations to employ people with a labour handicap.
  • Improve the basic and vocational skills of disabled employees.
  • Improve the connection between the open labour market and the disabled people.
  • Increasing formal certification for people with a disability (referenced to the EQF and ECVET- compliant).

Exercise: Starting worlds

Import the Youth4Bauhaus worlds in Minecraft Education.

Exercise outcomes: Worlds developed by the youth


CIRPE logo
Siglo22 logo
ALLI logo
Pro Work logo
Euroface logo
SPI logo
Institutul-Bucovina logo
CollectiveUP logo

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